
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

She's making me do it

Apparently I need to get my ass in gear and actually go to the gym. A coworker of mine proposed a "biggest loser" competition for all of our region. So I'm doing it. Christine (though she pisses me off, she's right) is dragging my ass to the gym with her. It's time to get my shit together and get fit for reals. Progress reports to come...


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

31 Day Blog Challenge

As previously mentioned, I have a goal to write more blogs. And what a better way to that then to challenge myself with this 31 Day Blog Challenge that I found on pinterest. I will begin this challenge on January 1 of 2015, and conclude on January 31 of 2015. Keep in mind that I will continue other blog posts in between. This will provide much needed motivation and ideas for writing. 

So each blog post related to this challenge will read "31 Day Blog Challenge, Day 1: Introduction"...etc, etc, etc.

Look forward to new stuff in 2015! Thanks for all of your support!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Hot mess

So I am sitting here in the waiting room at the doctors office. Sweating like a mofo. I feel like death, but not because of "sickness". Anxiety is a bitch that I have to deal with slapping me in the face every day. I have dealt with this my whole life but didn't know what it was until college. I rely on regular medications to help me live day to day "normal" life. But when I run out, you might as well lock me up in my bedroom and not bother me for days. Today I am waiting on getting a refill. I feel like I may throw up. I'm sweaty, shaky, and the nurse said my heartbeat/pulse is way fast. That's anxiety for ya. I could puke any second now. The only thing keeping me grounded is that I am focusing on writing this blog post. I don't even want to get in my car, it's that bad. I can't stop thinking of the 29573 errands I have to run today. I have work tomorrow and a work party that I need to bake for and wrap presents for. The post office that is miles and miles away is calling me to mail all of my packages. Groceries need to be shopped for. The dog needs to be taken out again. I have laundry to do. It just never ends. So that's why I'm here. I'm not ashamed to talk about this issue I have because it is relevant and a lot of people deal with the same stuff I deal with. On the brink of tears because you can't stop panicking. That's me. Building awareness for anxiety. Enjoy this pic of me looking terrible. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Last giveaway of 2014

So I just put up the video for my last giveaway of 2014. I am hoping to get a pretty good turnout as far as entries. 3 weeks and international makes the odds of winning a little harder. Good luck!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

This is why I love music

Image credit:

I just finished watching the movie "begin again" starring Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo. The funny thing is that I got this movie sent to me from Netflix over a week ago and have put off watching it. Today as I sit here editing YouTube videos, I put the movie on. Well worth it. I absolutely loved the whole story line. The cast was awesome. The music...even better. It makes me want to spend time with my sister, who coicinidently is a singer/songwriter, and make an album. I love everything about the way that a group of misfit musicians came together, not because of the money, but because they love making music. They made an amazing album and had fun while recording. All over nyc. I love New York and seeing this story play out was worthwhile. If you like indie movies, acoustic rock music, and have a couple of hours to spare in your day, go watch Begin Again.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

iPhone 6 changes everything...

So I wanted to post this picture mainly because of the rediculously good quality! I got my iPhone 6 yesterday and it has changed my life. It sounds cheesy, I know, but the technology that this phone has that the other one didn't can change the way I do things from now on. I now can blog via my phone faster and more efficient. I can also film and edit and upload videos from the phone and it is all in hd! Plus the photos I can take are really amazing quality...I mentioned that before lol. One of my goals for 2015 is to write more blogs. And now I think I will really be able to keep up with it. Until the next one...

K bye!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I have my moments.

The other day when I was driving to work, I decided to put the radio on. Sounds like a normal thing people do, right? Wrong. At least not for me. I am a lover of playing my own music that I purchase on iTunes.

While listening to the radio, I discovered a song that I fell in love with instantly. Apparently this song has been out on mainstream radio for a while, and was in the top 5 of the weekend countdown with Ryan Seacrest.

"Habits" by Tove Lo is my new favorite song. I then downloaded Spotify and have been listening to it every chance I get for the past week. Her album is amazing, and even better are the live Spotify sessions track that play randomly.

Though "Habits" is an amazing son, I have found myself loving the song "Moments". See below...

If you are looking for an awesome new soundtrack to your life, check out Tove Lo. Other stand out songs include: "Thousand Miles", "Paradise" and "Over"

Go buy this album now.


Friday, October 31, 2014

stress stinks.

Have you ever had one of those days at work where you have just lost your mind completely? The moments when you look at your computer screen and you just can’t do it anymore. When everything in the office is funny, and you laugh hysterically, even though it probably isn’t that funny to anyone else. You have had way too many tootsie rolls and small boxes of pink nerds, oh, and like 20 diet cokes?

This is the story of my life.

At least it is today.

Sometimes we get stressed out at work to the point where we crack. Or maybe it isn’t stress, but just lack of having a real break. I don’t mean the one hour allotted lunch break we get, thanks to the law; or the two days off a week that we end up running errands or cleaning the house or grocery shopping. I mean a real break. The kind where you sit and do absolutely NOTHING in your own home, while wearing sweatpants, and no makeup, (If you are a guy, then without shaving your face hair off, I guess)

The reality of life is that we are grownups and have responsibilities like bills and taking care of pets and/or children, paying rent on time, making sure there is gas in the car and dinner on the table. So how do we make an escape from it all?

My main escape? Playing sudoku puzzles. I have one in my brand new night stand (I just got this from Ikea a week ago, and put it together myself, thank you very much). I love sitting all over the apartment doing these damn puzzles. And I love using a sharpie pen too. Something about it makes it so much better.

My other escape is makeup. Being a beauty blogger, you probably guessed that much. I love playing with all the different colors. Sometimes I wish that I wasn't working for a corporation with strict guidelines on how I need to look professional (please note that I love the company I work for and I would not quit for anything...unless fame and fortune...j/k) 

I think I need to "shop my collection" more and go back to playing with the products that are wild and bright and bold. Today I chose to wear a bright orange makeup look for Halloween (oh, Happy Halloween everyone). And yesterday I wore bright purple. The day before that? Neon pea green. All thanks to Glamour Doll Eyes. (Love that shit).

The bottom line is that sometimes you need to stop. Take a breath. Stop eating crap. And do what you love. 

I just read a blog post by author Sarah Robinson, which inspired me to write this very blog post. Right this second.

My goal is to try and do more to make myself personally happy. So hold me to it guys! 


Monday, August 4, 2014

How my love of fashion started...and continues today!

Since I was little, I have always been obsessed with fashion. Even though I do not have a career in the industry, I love clothing and accessories and shoes. There is nothing more that I love about fashion than looking at fashion magazines and watching movies and tv shows that feature the best new looks.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

where has the time gone?

I am realizing that it is important to start keeping up with the written blog as well as the video blog. So here I am, ready to write.

It is June of 2014. Since I have last written, what has happened? I got engaged in October of 2013 to the love of my life. We will not actually be getting married till next year, but the planning process is fun. I have created a board on my pinterest page that is dedicated to my theme. Be sure to check it out, and let me know what you think.

I have been working still at the same office. Work is work. I spend most of my time at the office, and then come home to my little dog and my future spouse.

I have still been posting on my YouTube channel as often as I can. I look forward to everything that comes in the future.